Sunday, February 23, 2014

chapter 2 and 3 reflection

I found chapters two and three to be very informative. Chapter two really highlights the amazing attributes that technology has when integrated into the classroom. As stated in the text, it "promotes unique, powerful and transformative learning."Along with this, integrating technology can assess skills such as visual learning, accessing and assessing information, student engagement, collaboration, feedback and creativity. Throughout chapter two there were many great pieces on how technology can aid and be beneficial in multiple areas of the classroom but the one I found most intriguing is how it helps heighten students creativity. For students that don't feel a paintbrush, crayon or canvas is the outlet to their creative thinking they now have a new outlet with the various opportunities technology offers.
Chapter three is very important for all teachers. Without planning, a classroom is mayhem and learning can be close to impossible. During my student teaching experience my sponsor teacher was most definitely a "digital immigrant." I witnessed her trying to assess and keep order of each child's individual assessments on paper in the thickest binders I have ever seen. Using how to implement technology into her planning and assessing of students her paperwork, organization and time would have been so much easier. This is just one first hand example where I found that implementing technology in planning and organizing in the classroom from a teachers standpoint can help everything run more smooth. 

1. What is one way technology has helped you improve your creativity? How can this be related to your future students?

2. Have you ever witnessed a teacher using 'old fashion' ways to organize or apply material for their class? If so how could have using technology helped them and what type of technology?


  1. Hi Alexa,
    There are so many things on the internet for students to bring out their creativities. Various technological tools can help enhance students' creativities. Such as video and audio tools, students can make their own videos and add different audios and effects.They can be as creative as they want and if they're having difficulties on how to make and put together everything there are easy tutorials available online. For me one way technology has helped me improve my creativity is by simply blogging. I can blog whatever I want without feeling worried about being graded (not talking about our class blog) and I can add anything to my posts. I can design my blog page as how I want it to be. Making it more personal with my kind of style layouts. My future students can also blog too and share their thoughts on topics and leave comments on one another's blogs.

  2. Technology has in numerous way helped improve my creativity. The available resources have really opened up my options to being more creative in the classroom. One web source I find fascinating is, Pinterest. I am able to incorporate a lot of hands on activities that keep my pre-k students focused and engaged. For instance, playing the game twister in the classroom to teach my students sight words. I have also used Brainpop Jr videos online to help my students have a clearer understanding of a particular lesson i am teaching. Technology truly is a resourceful tool to be used in classrooms.

  3. I think technology has improved my creativity in many ways. Firstly, when I was playing guitar very frequently I routinely looked to YouTube for instructional videos on new techniques I haven't tried. Simply by being exposed to new ways of playing and theories of how to play I branched out and became a more complete player. My students will hopefully one day, with my guidance, use the internet in a way that allows them to "think outside the classroom box" and get creative.

  4. alexa
    i think technology has improved my teaching extremely. it allows me to add that something special to my lessons that make them entertain the children that extra step. for example i used the internet to provide my class a fun song that will help them remember their double facts! the kids loved it and used it throughout their classwork.

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  6. Alexa, to answer your second question, I am currently student teaching this semester and for all my lesson plans I got my ideas from pinterest boards and teacher accounts I follow on twitter. I think that social media has really helped teacher share their ideas with other teachers, and especially gives inspiration to younger teachers who are just starting out. The more new ideas teachers get the better classroom experience the students receive.
