Monday, March 31, 2014

Chapter 7

I completely understand the dynamics of the debate of the beneficial use of video and computer games for children. I do believe that gaming has come a long way. The first sign of educational technology I remember using was watching Muzzy in my Italian classes and watching The Magic School Bus during a science unit. These were the first uses of integrating technology and meshing them with learning that I can remember in my past classrooms. From there I feel educational technology has really come a long way. An example of it is the ever so popular Leap Frog Learning games. These were and still are so popular among the Toddler, Pre-school and early Elementary years. They have created fun ways to learn how to read and do math so children that are Digital Natives are more intrigued to do so. I also remember playing The Oregon Trail in elementary school when we learned about that time period and instead of that being the main learning tool my teacher used it as a motivator. Whether it be we were allowed to play during lunch, when we finished our work early or during indoor recess it got us more excited to learn about the topic when we were simulating living in it. As it states in the text it is important to chose what games you integrate into your classroom very wisely. The text stated that it is important to avoid games that teach minimal or narrowed skills and games that are only about winning or losing. This is important and I agree because if children are only playing and focused on rewards then they are not getting an enriching virtual experience.

1. What was your first learning based technology that was integrated into your classroom when you were younger? Do you think the options of such has improved or widened?

2. If you were teaching in an elementary school today what are some games you think you would incorporate?

3. Do you think the new common core standards limits us with what we can and can not use for this particular topic of technological integration?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alexa,

    To answer your question on if I were teaching in an elementary school today what games wouldI play with my students. I founf this website while planning for my webquest it is actually great because it provides you with grades for each common core standard. The games are aligned with each subject so therefore I would assign students who normally finish early yo go play the games on this website. I might also use it as an activity for Fridays when students have a free period.
